Thursday, July 28, 2016

Hilary Clinton

There is no smoke without a fire.

In the case of Hilary there was a huge forest fire of her extreme carelessness in the handling of state documents of various categories of state secrecy by her multiple unprotected private servers.

It was only by the incredible power of the FBI's Director in MIND READING that she did not do it maliciously that he recommended that she not be indicted.

In the matter of MIND READING it was proved in the foundation work of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP, in 1975, that normal human beings simply cannot know what is going on in another's mind. This is a self verifiable fact.

However, it is this humongous feat and ability that this FBI director has. Therefore, every NLP-er (who as a community of professionals now number in the hundreds of thousands) in the United States are waiting with bated breath as he issues forth his slew of indictments against elected members of the US congress who he will have MIND READ, have done malicious criminal acts.

As for Hilary, it is utterly sad because in the eyes of Neuro-Semantic Programming, NSP and NLP, she is totally discredited.

For NSP it truly would have been the fulfillment of a dream to have a woman run the ship of state that is America. It is therefore on the cards going to be a bitter disappointment that in the end, when it comes to the moment of the actual cut, the American democratic katana will slice her.

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