Monday, October 17, 2016

I confirmed what you knew and here is the most up to date info.

The US B&B war in Afghanistan after 15+years is still on.

In this news story, the US drone could not distinguish if the men on the ground were Taliban or if they were Afghan soldiers. The US trains these Afghan soldiers and they take to the field and they have no way of communicating with HQ that they are where they are?

So to do the point, the waste one Hell Fire missile in the next field to let those men know that the US has arrived. And that missile cost the American taxpayer $70,000.00!

I wonder how they will do the accounting for such waste. And if the US military waste in this manner in their unwinnable war in Afghanistan, you wonder what kinds of other wastage they engage in.

If what I say here is true-to-fact, that this US war in Afghanistan is unwinnable, as it was for the British once and then the Russians, what on earth is the US continuing this war for?

You can see India, Pakistan and China all covering their faces with their hands as beneath it they are grinning with the schadenfreude befitting the abyss America finds herself in Afghanistan.

Anyone in the US IC has successfully hacked into my blog, please note the wisdom of my words and pass straight up to your political masters. It is a matter of urgency to extract the US out of this unwinnable war. Even you can see it must not go on for the sake of American tax dollars.

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