Monday, August 14, 2017


We live unaware of how tenuous our fate is on this planet.

We are beings with our unique biofields. Its proof is the colour photograph that we can take of its aura.

It is in our biofield is the body of our information and knowledge. It is because the biofield has a torsion to it that our information and knowledge is in a rotational movement. This movement is the evidence that our information and knowledge is alive. Just knock on piece of wood now. Here the noise. Well that noise tells you that the piece of wood is dead.

As sentient entities we can evolve. If our biofield rotates in a positive direction we can develop, grow and evolve in a positive direction. However, it its spin is in a negative direction we will not grow but stultify, regress and de-evolve into savages.

Our evolution is a product of the battle between the good information and knowledge versus the evil information and knowledge in us. This is a necessary battle because it is out of this can we get new and better knowledge - if the direction of our torsion field is in a positive direction and above all if we have love as the critical component to help the good information and knowledge in us.

If despite the good information and love and the spin is in a positive direction, the evil in us wins, then we will stultify, regress and de-evolve.

Today, as per the lecture by Graham Hancock, the evil side of us is winning. He quotes from the ancients that by the evil in us winning, we are right attracting to us the possibility of a cataclysm.

It may be man-made - a nuclear winter with the near extinction of the entire human race. Or it could be some geological cataclysm that will see the end of civilization as we know it. Or it could be a cosmic disaster that befalls us. Right at this moment the path of the earth has a trajectory intersecting with the path of the Taurid asteroids. Who is to say that their may not be a 1000 mile asteroid that we are attracting because our evil ways; and it will smash into us.

There will be some survivors, a few here and a few there. Their survival and future will depend of the those who are either in Shambala or Agarti who will awaken and come back to help these survivors. Under their guidance they will have to begin all over again.

From the sheer trauma of the cataclysmic event, they will only have vague memories of us, if at all. All records of us would have been washed away or were incinerated.

So, pray that the majority of humanity will have the torsion in their biofields will spin in a positive direction and that the greater number of us are good, with love, free of envy and greed and wild egotistical exaltedness but instead are humble, kind, caring and respectful of others and of our past traditions and concepts of morality and ethics.

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